Max turns NINE!!

Nine years ago this precious boy changed everything. He was born in a very heavy and painful season of my life and throughout my whole pregnancy I prayed he would be a snuggly baby. Maybe that was selfish but my heart was weary and baby snuggles are healing. God answered that prayer completely. From day one he’s been mama’s snuggle buddy and it’s one of his favorite stories to hear still… that mama prayed for a snuggle bug and God answered that prayer with him. 

His name means “greatest rejoicing” and it fits him so well. His smile is HUGE and when he was a baby, it literally took up half his face! The best! When the doctor first handed him to me after I delivered him, my actual real thought seeing his face as he was screaming was Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. No joke. Same big ol’ mouth. 

There’s so much more to his story even leading up to my pregnancy and then delivery and there’s beautiful redemption woven into every part. God strategically used this baby boy’s existence to usher in and heal things in my heart and to remind me of God’s greater plan. 

His story is still being written and I can’t wait to see all the ways Max will change the world for the better. 

He forgives faster than anyone I’ve ever met. He loves ginormously. He thinks the best of others. He is full to the brim with encouragement. He’s creative and so kind and if you sit down with him, he will chat it up for days with you! He loves art and nature and his family and animals and this summer he was baptized with his older siblings because of his love and full-on commitment to Jesus. 

He makes of lives better. 

Happy birthday, Maximus Caius!!! We all love you so big!!!! 🤍

We spent the day with people we love celebrating our guy, chatting for hours, eating popcorn outside while the sun set and just enjoyed being together. ❤️


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