march 6, 2024 #livingoutluke252

march 6, 2024

daily documenting #livingoutluke252 

My advice: if we say we are a Christian, we need to live it, breathe it + know what the Bible actually says. There are a million heretics preaching a false gospel, a false Jesus, a false religion, saying that they believe in God and even read verses from the Bible but they are twisting and distorting the truth. Their message leads only to death. 

The path is wide that leads to destruction. The way that is narrow leads to life everlasting.

We have to know God’s Word for ourselves. We need to open up His Word and read it, listen to it, act upon it and preach it unapologetically.

UNASHAMED of the gospel of Christ.

If there are parts we don’t understand or even disagree with, ask the Author about it. By His Spirit He can reveal truth to you. Ask Him to align your heart to His Words. 

It has to be all of the Bible or none of it. There’s too many preachers and teachers on stages, both physical and virtual, nitpicking their favorite or most palatable parts of scripture and REWRITING what they think it means instead of taking the entirety of the Word and preaching it all, without apology. 

God is not a God of inclusivity. He accepts all sinners who turn to Him in repentance, yes. But He never softens or minimizes the truth to help people feel better about the sin that holds them hostage because He knows it only leads to death and eternal separation from Him. He died so that we might be saved. There’s nothing soft about that. And the American church has become painfully soft. We need Christians with holy fire in their bellies to rise up and preach truth regardless of the opinions of culture. God is love and so we speak His truth in His love which is defined by Him, not the world. His definition of love is spoken of in 1 Corinthians 13 and then demonstrated on the cross of Calvary. It was the most loving act in all of human history when the God of everything came in human form, took on our sin and death sentence and paid it in full for us so that we have true freedom and salvation. 

Let’s not be cowards in our message and tiptoe around the truth so everyone feels better. Jesus deserves more from us. He deserves everything from us. I am a bond servant of Christ, set free and forever choosing to remain and cling back to Him because of His great love poured out. His radical ocean of grace given to us. (That’s where Oceana Grace’s name comes from)

If we really and truly believe in the Word of God, and it’s not just a religious thing we do, then we should live with such a sobering boldness, filled with an overflow of the Holy Spirit, reaching this world for His glory, knowing that we are bringing hope and salvation to a world in need of a Savior… just like we were when He saved us. 



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