What a difference a year makes: Oceana Grace is 6 months + missing Grandpa


Our miracle girl is 6 months old today! ðŸ’›

These are sacred moments and memories that feel almost too personal to share but for those that knew my father-in-law, I hope it makes you smile seeing this video (posted on Facebook with screenshots below) and reading these words.

Last year April 9th was Easter Sunday and grandpa came over to do an Easter egg hunt with the kids. We had Scarlett put a special egg together just for grandpa. It had a note inside that said, “congratulations, grandpa, on grandbaby number 11!” It was such a special moment. He loved his grandbabies so big and always found special ways to bless them, make them feel seen and heard and valued. He passed away 2 months after Oceana Grace was born. We miss him every day. Our hearts ache every time we think of him. This Easter we felt the loss of his presence not being with us but we also felt the hope and knowledge of his resurrection in Christ. 

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

What a difference a year makes. ðŸ’”


A few days after Grandpa passed away, I woke up in the night and wrote this down:

December 20, 2023

It’s 4am and I’m up nursing Oceana. I had this flash of thought that came as quickly as it left. 

I saw a little girl with bangs and long straight brown hair come up to grandpa to grab his hand. He looked younger and stronger then I remembered. She said with so much joy, “You’re my grandpa!” The look on his face was like the look of joy he had when we told him we were pregnant with Oshie. So much joy. Grandpa smiled so big and gave her a hug just like he would all my babies. And then I realized it was June and that grandpa got to meet her before us. 

Grandpa has a little buddy up there.

It was seconds of a thought and nothing I could prove with a verse or theological fact but it felt comforting to think about grandpa and june together, like she’d been waiting for him and ready to introduce herself. 

I’m probably mixing too many thoughts, stories and hopeful thinking maybe… but if it was a glimpse into a heavenly moment, it was a really special one. 


With all my heart I wish he was still here and that Oceana (and all our kids) had more time with him, but I’m so thankful to have this memory caught on video of him finding out she was coming and a few precious photos of him holding her before he went home to be with the Lord. 

Grandpa’s passing was so unexpected and yet, because he walked with God here on earth, he now walks with God in the glory of the Father. He was ready because he knew Jesus. It’s the most important decision we will ever make in this life. It’s what I’ve given my whole life to… knowing Jesus, pointing my children to Jesus and telling the world about Him until the day I’m also called home. 

Make sure you really know Jesus. Not just stories of Him or how someone else talks about Him, but know Him for yourself. And make sure your children do too. 

“…so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, 

to the glory of God the Father.” 

Philippians 2:10-11


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