Holiday Photos

We don't have that many holiday traditions, but one of the few we do have is taking family pictures. No matter what is going on in our lives, it's so important to me to make it a priority to get out and take some pictures to remember each stage our family is in every year. I love looking back at  our Christmas cards and seeing how our family has grown! Some years our cards haven't even made it to the mailbox to send out BUT at least I have them! haha! I have a little book that I keep them all in and I get a little giddy every Christmas season to open it up and look back on as I place the new card in.
This year we went adventuring close to home and found a sweet little spot right before sunset. 
Hope y'all enjoy! 
(fyi… max was in a terrible mood and only wanted to be held by me or moriyah while he cried.)

i love my people!! 

 here's the only picture of max with a smile, thanks to sister tickles and a goofy daddy!

 "hold you, sissy!"

 i LOVE these snuggle-buddy pictures. 

 moriyah is truly the little mama of the bunch. the kiddos were all so cold and ran up to her to keep warm. my heart just about exploded! eeeeeeep!!

 here's a little behind the scenes shot of how my maxi-poo was the whole time. tears, tears and more tears. 

me and my dude of all dudes. i luff him.

Well that's that! I'll post our official card soon!


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