last day before christmas break!

Although I'm still sick, today I'm thankful for a cozy day spent with my family as we finished our last day of homeschool before Christmas break! We are all pretty excited for the break and looking forward to lazy days and Christmas movie marathons and warm cups of yumminess and sweet memory making. Christmas seems to creep up all too quickly the older I get so I'm really wanting to slow our days down and enjoy this magical season before it passes. 
My father-in-law bought us the sweetest little tree that is all decorated with golds and whites and splashes of red mixed with little handmade treasures from my children and photos from years past. It's already the end of the day and all the lights are off except for the warm glow from the tree and the evergreen candle burning next to me. The kids are bundled in blankets on the floor in front of me, fighting over the big blanket and kicking each other while they watch a movie. 
Ahhhh, Christmas time. ;0)

I love my people so much. These kids of mine are growing up much too fast for this mama heart, yet I also love watching who they are becoming. They are each so different from one another and yet they blend so beautifully together *most of the time* as siblings.
We have had an extended amount of time with their Daddy around taking them to the park, the library, helping with homeschooling and lots of cozy nights of story times and silly voices and giggles and snuggles. It's been so sweet and we've been trying to enjoy every minute of it before all of our schedules change starting tomorrow.

I'm so thankful for these little years and want to cling to each day, hoping it'll all last just a wee bit longer.

(This was from our family adventuring day a little bit ago. Family days are the best of days!)



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