our merry little christmas in photos

We really had just the most blessed Christmas this year. It was filled to the brim with amazing family time. I wish our time with everyone could have lasted so much longer. 
Christmas Eve we went to our church and my sweet Moriyah led us all in singing "Silent Night". I was so proud of her. She sang beautifully. I recorded her practicing with her Daddy. During the actual service, right as she started singing, my 4yr old decided he wanted to crawl under the church pews and then fall apart crying so I ended up having to walk my boys out of the sanctuary and spend the rest of the service with them in the foyer. (God bless all the childcare workers that faithfully watch our babies every week so mamas like me can actually sit through a whole service!) 
After service we went to my brother's house and spent such a sweet time with his family. On the way home, the hubs surprised the kiddos with driving through this awesome neighborhood filled with all the christmas lights you could every hope for. It was packed with people driving slowly through as well as families walking everywhere. Uly asked if it was halloween when he saw all the people walking around. :0)  It was such a slow drive that Uly-boy came and sat on my lap and yelled "merry christmas" to all the passersby.  It was so precious to hear all the kids squeal with delight seeing all their favorite cartoon characters lit up in lights. We came home so late but the kids couldn't go to bed without doing our annual shepherd's hunt. We all put blankets over our heads, grab all the stuffed animals that we are shepherding and follow the star (a flashlight) to find baby Jesus. Max LOVED it this year and kept saying, "I baby god." We all giggled and said, "No, we are looking for baby Jesus." His eyes lit up and he had so much excitement following the "star".
The next morning we spent all cozied up with our babies. Moriyah read the bible to the rest of the kids after breakfast and then they opened presents from us. Later, the rest of the Cordovas and my mama came to our little house and we had such a blessed time. So much yummy food, sweet fellowship and an over abundance of presents. 
We are living very small these days and this christmas was a humble one as far as gift-giving. I felt like mickey mouse's family in "A Christmas Carol" this year… poor in money, rich in love. And although we couldn't give much more than a meal to our families, they were so gracious and so generous and showered all our babies with incredible gifts and so much love. 
We are so blessed. 

Sing with me, "frooooooooosteeeeed window panes
candles gleaming inside
painted candy canes on the tree…" :0)

Below are some precious shots of Tony's brother and our sister-in-law with their boys. They are due with a baby girl in early March and we all cannot wait!!

And lastly, here are a few shots from my iPhone of my babies on Christmas Eve and then all the cordova cousins on Christmas day.

 I told Uly to smile and the stinker pushed his cheeks together to try and stop his smile. That's what happens when you skip naps. Little goober.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!


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