last thoughts on 2015

I have watched the Lord answer more prayer this year than I think I have ever seen in years past. It's been incredible. He has taught me greater things in prayer this year by stepping in, stopping me and redirecting how I pray. He seems to answer the prayers from the hearts that truly pray, "Not my will but Yours be done." He has stopped my prayers many times, showing me instead how HE wants me to pray -- and then HE answers them all!
These verses were my turning point:
"… you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." (James 4:2-3)
I kept thinking about those words over and over. I had been praying for things for years that went unanswered so it wasn't for lack of asking. So was I asking amiss? Was I asking wrongfully? I began seeking the Lord about it, asking for Him to guide my prayers and asking Him if my prayers were wrong. He began putting specific requests on my heart, especially for my husband. And it wasn't for the physical things, like a job or housing or healing or the like, but for the spiritual and internal. And then I began to see the Lord move in powerful ways. He began answering prayers that I had started to believe were too far gone to be answered. And He didn't do things the way I thought He would, but He answered them in bigger and greater ways. Sometimes through much pain, but always for our good. I had been listening to the lies from the enemy for much too long. But the Lord stepped in and worked miracles in my family this year. These last few months I have seen the hand of the Lord upon us in ways that have blown my mind and that have caused me only to be able to lift my hands in praise to HIM. Thanks be to God, the all knowing, all powerful, and all loving ONE Who heard my weak prayers, Who guided my heart and Who answered my cries. He has done great things.

I look with expectancy as this new year approaches to see all that the Lord will do in our lives and family. God is faithful and answers prayers. Seek Him, ask Him and allow the Lord to direct your heart in prayer and then wait to see Him answer! It's amazing!
Happy New Year, friends!
May the Lord Himself abound in your hearts and lives to overflowing in 2016!


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