Our Christmas Card

Here's our Christmas card!

Merry Christmas!
I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful season and are able to slow yourselves down enough to not let it all slip by without fully reflecting on the beauty of Jesus' humble beginning to ultimately save and redeem and restore all that was lost. It's a bit hard to wrap my mind around the reality of God becoming Man. That He saw us and loved us enough to come down and get us for Himself. That alone is reason enough to celebrate this season with full hearts and to rejoice from our souls on out that He is so good and faithful and kind and has given us more than enough…. that no matter what this world may bring, He is still enough. Just Jesus. Nothing added. 
As a family we have had our fair share of troubled waters this year (well to be honest, the last several years) and most recently have faced hardships that could have shipwrecked us, and yet the Lord so beautifully stepped in and did what He does best… He answered prayers that had been on my heart and lips for many years. He brought healing and redemption and restoration and hope. He brought us a new start and graced our steps with His presence in such deep ways. In a moment of pain and heaviness, He brought new life and for that I am full of thankfulness. He is the Good Shepherd that gently leads us through green pastures. 
I'm so thankful for a husband that loves the Lord and is willing to do hard things and humble things and who has allowed Christ to mold him into a greater husband and father by his ability to surrender to God's hand in his life. I'm so thankful for my children and the gifts that they are in my life. Even on the days that I feel frazzled and frayed, they pour so much love and joy into my life. Moriyah Shalom is 10 and officially a "tween" as she tells us. She is so grown up and mature and yet has that beautiful ability to enjoy life as a child. She is the little mama of the house and helps me with pretty much everything. I always tell her that she is my angel baby because of the angel she has been to me. Truly she is heaven-sent. Scarlett Hope is 6 (7 next month!) and is full of so much personality. She feels so much emotion that it sometimes explodes out of her. She can laugh so hard that she bursts into tears or she can get so mad at her brothers that her anger turns quickly to puddles pouring down her face all in a quick moment. Her heart is so wonderfully tender that if I even stub my toe, she runs to her room, grabs a blanket or toy and comes quickly to my side with arms wide open and, you guessed it, more tears, for fear that I'm in pain. She is so sweet and precious. Just a little lover-pie, that one. Ulysses David is 4 and completely adores his sisters to the point where he ends up driving them crazy, trying to do everything they do. He follows them everywhere and is always trying to look over their shoulders at what they are doing. He tests every boundary and is a loud little guy. His heart is very tender as well and somedays he just curls up in our lap to snuggle. I love those moments. He comes alive when he is outside and able to run wild and free. Maixmus Caius is 2 and still the baby of the family. He is becoming more and more independent and is incredibly articulate in his speech. He's a smart little cookie. He is still one of the best at snuggles and although he loves all his siblings, he has a very sweet and special bond with his Moriyah. They are two peas in a pond since the very beginning. Being THEIR mama is amazing! I'm so very blessed.
We are counting our blessings this year and thanking the Lord for His constant hand upon our lives. No matter the storm, HE is the One calling us out to Him, to come to Him, to have faith in Him and to trust the He is ABLE to do all things. 
We love you all and are thankful for each of you and your love and care for our family. May the Lord richly bless you as this new year approaches in His love and peace and most importantly by His presence in your lives. 

the cordova crew


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