It is Well

There are seasons that can overwhelm me with waves that can crash harder than I think I can bear…
but in those storms I see glimpses of God's hand answering prayers that I thought might never be answered. One of my favorite songs right now says, "the wind and waves still know His Name." 
 How beautiful to remember that He is LORD over all. Everything is ultimately under His power and authority. He is God Almighty.

"...Seas that are shaken and stirred
Can be calmed and broken for my regard

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
Through it all, through it all
It is well…"
(It is Well- Bethel Music)

I'm truly so thankful for what the Lord is doing in my life right now, but that being said, thankfulness doesn't mean it's been any lack of pain. I'm daily having to set my eyes and heart on Jesus, sometimes moment by moment, because the second I look at the circumstances in front of me I feel much like Peter sinking in the water as he was walking out to meet the Lord. When Peter was fixed on Jesus he was walking on water and doing the impossible, but when his eyes looked away and he saw his own reality of what was in front of him, he sank. My eyes have to remain on the Lord for me not to sink right now. It's beautiful though because He faithfully brings me that peace that surpasses all understanding. I can't rely on my own understanding. His ways are not my ways. I'm learning to trust in Him regardless of what's in front of me.
"Through it all my eyes are on You and it is well."

I have a million things to say right now but I also have four sweet little ones setting out blankets on the living room floor and getting ready for story time before bed so I'm signing off for now.



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