Baby Lion in a Snowsuit + Motherhood Chats

When I was pregnant with Lion, there was a song that would always play over and over at just the right moments that I needed it to. 

Moments I needed to be reminded that Jesus was there with me.

One of those moments was when we were driving to the hospital after my water broke. I had spent a year between my miscarriage and my pregnancy with Lion fighting through fears and believing for a child. And then throughout my whole pregnancy I intentionally fought to not let fear touch my pregnancy or son. So while driving to the hospital, I told my husband, this is when my fight against fear is truly tested... and then this song played again in the most perfect of timings as tears rolled down my face...

I didn’t know that I was about to walk into a traumatic birth, that I would have an emergency C-section or that my tiny precious son’s lungs collapsed, but God did and He was SO PRESENT and washed unmistakable PEACE over me the entire time. 

My perfect rainbow baby, that child given after loss, that incredible tangible picture of God’s restoration, redemption, hope and promise was worth the painful wait one hundred million percent. 

These were some of the words from that song:

In the waiting, in the searching

In the healing and the hurting

Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces

Every minute, every moment

Where I've been and where I'm going

Even when I didn't know it or couldn't see it

There was Jesus

Song: There Was Jesus by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton 

“Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God's story never ends in ashes” -Elisabeth Elliot


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