My testimony


I shared a snippet of my testimony in stories on Instagram recently  (I’ll save it in a highlight) after I did a question box asking what other stories you wanted to hear! I took screenshots so I can come back and share more things here and there too. 💛 

But in short, I’ve always believed in Jesus. I was raised in a Christian home, dad was a pastor/speaker/writer, I was homeschooled and grew up in a small Christian community. I remember feeling bad that I didn’t have some huge “coming to Jesus” story, which is an odd thing to feel bad about. 😆 

Here’s two things that were very impactful for my relationship with Jesus. The first was that my dad read me the Bible every night and it was my FAVORITE thing. It laid a massive foundation in my heart for the Bible and throughout my whole life the Bible has always been my greatest source of comfort. Any fear, anxiety, stress, the Bible was/is my go-to for peace.

Secondly, my dad died when I was 14 and since he was the Bible scholar, if I ever had questions about God, I would just ask him. Once he died I knew that I had to really press in and seek for myself to make sure my faith was truly mine and not just my parents faith. That was such a turning point for me and the place in my life that God became my Father in all the ways. 

I have a million more things I can share on all of this but for now I’ll just end this by saying that, since childhood, God has been ever present in my life. Even in the years I wanted to rebel, God kept turning me back to Him over and over. I’m so thankful. 

That foundation of hearing God’s Word over and over as a child shaped my life. What we believe most, we look to confirm. I believe in God, so I’m always looking to confirm that, even in my darkest days, because I know He’s there. The opposite is also true. Those that don’t believe, constantly look to confirm that. I’m so thankful for those bible stories I heard as a child because it forever impacted my life and now my children’s lives. 

Read scripture in your homes out loud to your children. It impacts generations. 💛


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