My sweet Lion boy

 His face is proof of God’s goodness. Mama’s hair is proof of California being on lockdown in a pandemic. 😆👵🏼#mamasgotroots 

But on a more serious note, I remember standing in church right after I found out the baby I was carrying had no heartbeat. I was crying as this song played, surrounded by my hubby and children, BELIEVING that God would heal, restore and bring me a child to hold in my arms in the future even though I was completely crushed and confused in that moment. 

These words were my anthem:

“I'll praise before my breakthrough

'Til my song becomes my triumph

I will sing because I trust You

I will bring my heart, I will lift my song”

I waited 4 weeks for my body to go through the actual miscarriage process. I was 12 weeks along. It felt like I was walking through the valley of the shadow of death, fighting my own heart and thoughts to keep believing that my arms would one day hold this boy. 

My song became my triumph, just like that song says and I’m living, arms full, with this Lion boy, rejoicing in answered prayer. 

2020 will always be the year of the lion. What an unforgettable year to be born. My rainbow baby. My reminder of answered prayer, of heartache turned to rejoicing, of death turned to life, of trauma turned to great great joy. He is hope and sweetness all bottled up into a squishy delightful bundle of goodness with unforgettable hair. 😆😍🦁

No matter what your year looked like, we have great hope and confidence of this:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” -Hebrews 13:8

He remains the same no matter what yesterday, today, tomorrow or this next year brings. 

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” -Phil. 1:6

There is always hope as we look into the new year because Jesus remains the same and is actively at work in the hearts and lives of His people. 

I’m expectant and excited and full of hope as we head into this new year.

And to my sweet Lion, I knew you were out there... and you were worth every heartache to finally get to you. 
😭🙌🏼💛 Mama loves you forever.


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