february 2, 2024 #livingoutluke252


february 2, 2024
daily documenting #livingoutluke252 

This morning I was up early before the babies were up and I made coffee + my protein shake and snuck back into my cozy bed and listened to the psalms on audio book. Little miracles as a mama of six. 

I’ve been going to sleep listening to missionary stories too. It’s been so good for my soul, as the house is calm and quiet and I’m up late helping ocean fall asleep to have these incredible stories to listen to. (@irisglobal on YouTube recently)

I’m reading through Proverbs with my kids for Bible time. If my goal is to grow in wisdom, proverbs is such a beautiful place to be. And getting my kids involved is my favorite. 

Physical exercise everyday is free therapy for me. Holy ground. The place I meet with Jesus consistently. 

Text messages from my husband about scripture and life. 

I’ve been reaching for these two oils consistently since having Ocean. (Joy + Orange)
I’m trying to be really intentional with what i’m doing/using so I don’t get PPD again. I had it really bad after I had Lion for two long years. It honestly didn’t shift until he finally started sleeping which then allowed me to sleep. Sleep is a GIFT and sometimes that’s all that a mom needs. 
These oils have been so helpful  and cheerful to my heart. I diffuse them and put them on my chest, wrists and top of head. 

“There is precious treasure and oil in the home of the wise…” proverbs 21:20

Account to follow: @everythingalwaysnomatterwhat 
My husband is writing a book on forgiveness and he shares snippets here. Tony is my favorite human in the whole world. He has such a passion for God’s Word. He speaks truth very directly and is on a mission to share God’s Word anyway he can. He’s my greatest counselor, encourager and always always brings me back to what the Bible actually says. You’ll be encouraged and convicted following his account @everythingalwaysnomatterwhat 🖤


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