february 21, 2024 #livingoutluke252

 february 21, 2024

daily documenting #livingoutluke252 

Last night baby girl was struggling to fall asleep so I was up walking her back and forth until close to midnight. She is truly the world’s greatest sleeper so that wasn’t the norm for her. Today was a “let’s wear the same shirt as yesterday, stay in soft clothes and no makeup, messy hair” kinda day because we.are.tired. (See second photo for proof ðŸ˜†) But the benefit of my baby needing extra mama time late at night gave me a quiet house with everyone else asleep so I could listen to more Bible while rocking her and praying over her. Those are the sacred, holy, unseen moments of motherhood that I will forever treasure up and hold tight my whole life. I was handpicked by God for these specific six children to be that special person in their lives. No one else gets that place of honor with them. And no one else gets that place of honor with YOUR babies either. What a gift. 

I’m getting my workout in late today but better late than never! ðŸ¥³

And I’m almost done with listening to the New Testament! I heard that if you read about 40 chapters of the Bible a day you can get through the New Testament in a week and the whole Bible in a month! As soon as I heard it I was so excited to go for it! Even if I could do 20 chapters a day, I’d be stoked! So a little over a week ago I started in Matthew and I’m finishing Revelation today! ðŸ¥³ I’m a mom of six kids, homeschooling and have a business so it’s very doable if you prioritize it over things like social media scrolling, Netflix and other time suckers. And you FEEL so much better doing it too! It’s alive and powerful and impacts our souls. Highly highly highly recommend getting as much of God’s Word in you every day. 

 Tomorrow I’ll start in the Old Testament which I seriously can’t wait for! The OT is my favorite! I love good stories and it is jam packed with wild and wonderful stories. 



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