february 5, 2024 #livingoutluke252

 February 5, 2024 

daily documenting #livingoutluke252 

I’ve been talking about the fear of the Lord in Bible time with my kids and what that looks like and these verses have been ones I’m meditating on:

Proverbs 1:7

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Psalm 25:14 

“The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.”

Psalms 34:7

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”

Tony said to me the other day a phrase that was so wise and exactly what I needed to hear. He told me that I needed to do things (the God-things that I feel called/led to do) REGARDLESS OF RESULTS. That phrase has been going on in my mind over and over and over with everything I’m doing now. Regardless of results, I need to be faithful to do what I believe God is calling me to do. Faithfulness in the small. Faithfulness in the mundane. Faithfulness in the secret places that no one sees. Faithfulness in the Word. Faithfulness in my home. Faithfulness in my mothering. Faithfulness in my business. Faithfulness in what I do on social media (that I seek to be a light vs popularity). 

Even doing this challenge for myself, which is really my own human experiment of showing up here M-F daily documenting #livingoutluke252 , is an anti-Instagram-growth strategy and instead is a personal strategy for my own spiritual growth. It’s a place to hold myself accountable, regardless of who sees or doesn’t see. Because the Lord sees. I feel excited for where I’ll be a year from now after pursuing God in this way and documenting it as I go. AND THE COOL THING is that my children see it. They are the ones that God has given to me to minister to first. I get to talk to them about everything and it helps challenge them in their own pursuit of the Lord. It’s beautiful. 

One of my favorite quotes ever, that’s framed in our home is from Mother Teresa:

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” 

Yes yes and yes. 

Account to follow: My precious friend Ariel is a light for the Kingdom, a lover of Jesus, a speaker of truth and overflows godly wisdom. She has been a deep well of encouragement to me throughout the years and is such a rare treasure of a friend. I love her so much and I know you will find encouragement learning and listening anytime she shares her heart. @arielkurtz


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