february 20, 2024 #livingoutluke252

 february 20, 2024

daily documenting #livingoutluke252 

First of all, I’m wearing real pants! 4 months postpartum and I’m in real pre-pregnancy jeans. They have some stretch in them but I’m pretty stoked! 🥳😂 

I’m documenting m-f here living out the verse about Jesus “growing in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man” in Luke 2:52. For the 30 years before His public ministry, that’s what we’re told of Him. As He grew physically He was prepared for everything He was here to do. I want to imitate Him in everything so I’m daily preparing my body physically for the ministries I’m here to do, with the top being a wife and mama. I want to be physically able to do it well which means taking care of my body, spiritually, but also physically with exercise, nutrition, sleep/rest and hydration. 

Also, I did a live video on this but I’ll share here too… something I’m teaching my kids is to seek the Lord daily, in bigger ways than just a verse a day. To passionately pursue Him by ingesting the Bible consistently. Jesus is the bread of life and the living water. Just like it would be insane as a mother to only feed my child a bite of bread and a sip of water a day or every few days and think they could possibly be healthy, I think it’s just as insane to think we can live off a verse a day or every few days and not be spiritually starving and dehydrated. We need daily nourishment in both the physical and the spiritual. 

If we say we believe in the Bible and we’re betting our soul’s eternity on it, we should be students of the Word, soaking up daily the words written in it. And as mothers, we set the example to our children what that looks like by going first and leading them by what we DO. We need to prioritize it above social media, Netflix, jobs, busyness, all of it. If we says it’s the most important thing, let’s prove it by living it out daily. 

The world will be set on fire for the glory of God the more mothers rise up in bold faith and teach their children to do the same. The home is where rival starts. 🔥


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